Sunday 13 November 2011

Most Awaited Movies Of 2012, Part 1

2012 seems to be an extraordinary year as far as upcoming Movies are considered, this one unlike its predecessor consists of major Reboots, Remakes, Sequels, New Franchises etc.
On one hand, major Franchises have come back to life with some minor structural changes in production pattern (Resident Evil & The Ghost Rider being some examples), a merged storyline film is there, a major Trilogy ends this year while many movies with prospective potential of being the next big thing are coming up. So here is my list of “The Most Awaited Movies Of 2012” – {Not in a particular order}

  1. The Dark Knight Rises -
    Although at this point of time the plot is unknown(Really?), this movie which marks the end of Batman Trilogy is very promising due to many factors,
    1. The last movie of the franchise “The Dark Knight” has raised the standards for the content, more specifically after the extraordinary depiction of the villain “Joker” by Late Heath Ledger, it is expected that this one will come up with motives to at least match if not exceed the standard of Villain as set by Joker in previous movie of the series
    2. Christopher Nolan has promised this time to Batman Fans that he will let them see Batman doing some amazing action this time
    3. The Villain in this movie, “Bane” seems to be tough enough to be a really challenging villain for batman, it is being played by Tom Hardy
    4. Hey,Hey! Catwoman is here and she is being portrayed by Anne Hathaway
    5. It seems Nolan has kept best for the last
      Tom Hardy as Bane

      And Here is the Trailer -
      Here comes the Nolan Excellence
      And here is the imdb link -
  2. The Avengers -
    Now when you check out the imdb page for this flick and you read the description-
    “The S.H.I.E.L.D. agency brings together a team of superhumans to help save the Earth from annihilation by extraterrestrial invaders”
    Your expectations go high, I mean all those Superheroes; Ironman, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow etc. in a single movie!
    This must be a good one..

    This movie seems to be a Compressed Extravaganza

    And here is the imdb link -
  3. Underworld Awakening -
    The Vengeance returns with “Underworld Awakening”, In recently released trailer of this movie, it is shown that since the last installment of this series, 12 years have passed and all these twelve years, Selene was a captive of Humans; and after gaining conscious she realizes that humans have discovered the existence of Vampires and Lycans and both the clans now have a single enemy threatening there survival – Humans!

    The movie also seems to discuss the aftermath of Michael being the first Vampire-Lycan, Don’t know why but this movie reminds me of Resident Evil series(Maybe a dormant period of main character creates this resemblance), Underworld franchise has been a good one since beginning and we haven’t seen a similar flick after its last installment, so chances are bright for this one too.

    Here is the Trailer -
    Where is Michael?

    And here is the imdb link -
  4. Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance -
    “He rides again.2012” says the trailer of this second installment of ghost rider franchise; frankly speaking the last movie of the series was a bit disappointing because it wasn’t that badass which it was expected to be. This one actually seems to be that badass, because this time the burning skull head is looking more devilish and yeah he pisses fire too!(Watch the trailer)
    Here is the Trailer -
    Pissing Fire, Need Assistance :P

    And here is the imdb link -
  5. The Amazing Spider-Man -
    This one is a major Reboot, although it is a bit quick but the Spider Man franchise is all new and upgraded(At least they say so), the new costume in the trailers is awesome, action seems to have an upper edge to the pre boot spider man series.

    Be it better or worse than the previous spider man movie, this one is on my much awaited list because it is always fun to watch spidey swinging from one building to another in the theaters
    Here is the trailer -
    The all new Spidey!
    Here is the imdb link- 

So, this is it for the Part 1, this list is in no particular order and is not based upon overall quality of these flicks, it’s all about how high they have raised the expectations.
Comments & Suggestions are thoroughly Welcome


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